Sunday, July 24, 2022

Punch Short de Punch

July 24th, 2022

This is an almost 5 x 50 robusto (4.75"). It is full bodied, smooth with developing strength.

Appearance and Construction: A mottled, medium dark wrapper which is thin enough to see the binder below, giving a slightly rough appearance.

First Puff: reveals a smooth, full bodied Cuban flavour.

Draw and Burn: Excellent throughout

Flavour and Complexity: Very rich and complex, yet not a hint of bitterness at any point. It was remarkable how the cigar hit the full flavour mark without veering into bitterness, as is the case with many Nicaraguans: the Oliva Serie V and the Tatuaje Fausto are two that come to mind.

Body: Full throughout 

Strength: Tolerable, not overwhelming, but building towards the end.

Finish and Aftertaste: long and smooth, no unpleasant residue

Aroma: rich

Ash: light and fell off easily

Balance and Consistency: One of the most balanced and consistently delicious full bodied Cubans I've tasted for a while; similar to the R&J Wide Churchill. 

Time smoke: 80 minutes

Overall: An excellent cigar full bodied robusto, clearly showing a quality that exceeds many of the similar Nicaraguan rivals in my collection. Very satisfying. 

Full body, smooth, balanced, consistent, no bitterness: very satisfying 80 minute robusto

January 26th, 2023: Draw was slightly difficult in the first half. By the second half of the cigar draw opened up. Body was medium to medium plus. First half of the cigar was pleasant but the second half was quite tasty. Aroma was modest. Quite satisfying. 75 minutes.  

July 11th, 2023: Heavy in the hand and a slightly sweet pre-light. Draw was a little tight in the first half, as with the previous cigar, however it opened up in the second half to provide plentiful plumes. Flavour was quite refined and balanced, albeit subtle and restrained: herbs and spices, mint, nutmeg, all subdued but pleasingly complex. This was a cigar that merited a slow and considered pace. Aroma came and went but was delicious, rich and complex when it was there, as it was in the second half. Body medium. Spice became peppery towards the end. 60 minutes and quite satisfying.

March 14th, 2024: A pleasant morsel with medium to full body and excellent aroma. Draw was a bit tight and flavour in the second half lost complexity, reminding me a bit of the dried fruit flavour of the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Churchill. Quite satisfying at 60 minutes.

June 13th: Another pleasant, medium body cigar with a fine, yeasty, aroma but complex and with good aroma. Quite a good example of the blend. 60 minutes. Satisfying. 

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