Saturday, July 16, 2022

H. Upmann Connossieur no. 2

July 16, 2022: This is a 5.25 x 51 robusto. It resembles the Vegueros Centrofino in almost all respects (flavour, aromoa, body), except the purported ring gauge, which is 50 in the case of the Centrofino and supposedly 51 in the case of the Upmann. I doubt that a ring gauge of one, 1/64", can be measured with any accuracy, so I'm content to assume that these cigars come from the same source.

Another curiosity is the spelling of the 'Connossieur', which is a misspelling of the French 'connoisseur'. Yet, the name of the cigar is clearly seen on the band. 

Appearance and Construction: A very smooth, light brown wrapper. The cigar was not particularly heavy in the hand. But draw was resistant in the first two thirds. A one centimetre piece of leaf vein popped out towards the end of the cigar. 

First Puff: Difficult to obtain a first puff, but it was smooth and mild.

Draw and Burn: The cigar was slightly plugged. It wasn't too tightly wrapped as it was not heavy in the hand. Burn was fine. In the final third the cigar opened up and revealed its potential.

Flavour and Complexity: Once I managed to draw a sufficient plume the flavour was rich, and complex, resembling the Pinar del Rio flavour of the Centrofino. Occasionally, there were moments of a deeper richness.

Body: Body never passed medium. It was quite a light smoke.

Strength: None to speak of

Finish and Aftertaste: Long finish and very clean aftertaste.

Aroma: Delicious, rich, Cuban aroma

Ash: held on for 20 minutes or so.

Balance and Consistency: A very balanced, smooth, mellow, medium bodied Cuban.

Time smoke: around 65 minutes

Overall: Flavour and aroma were excellent; however the draw was a detraction until the final third. In terms of comparison with Centrofino, the cigar was almost identical. It will be interesting to try a few more Connosieurs and see whether the resemblance continues. If it does, the Centrofino is the preferred option as it's around 30% less expensive. 

Flavour, body, aroma and construction resemble the Vegeuros Centrofino.

July 22nd, 2022: I was keen to try another from the box to see whether there was a vast difference between it and the Centrofino, as I mentioned above. There wasn't. It was again very similar to that budget Cuban robusto; which is not to say that it's a cheap smoke. The aroma and flavour are excellent, but also similar to a good Nicaraguan Connecticut wrapper cigar. This cigar wasn't plugged and draw was easy. It lasted around 70 minutes. Quite satisfying. 

December 23rd: This cigar started with a difficult draw and mild, modest flavour at best. But the second half opened up, draw became easy and body moved to medium. Flavour improved in complexity immeasurably. I smoked it as far as I could get. 85 minutes. Very satisfying.

January 24th, 2023: Pleasant at best. The cigar was way too tightly packed. It wasn't plugged, but draw was uncomfortably tight. Unlike the previous cigar, it didn't quite open up until around the last inch and a half. Flavour was minimal, even in the final inch. A friend shared one and had the same opinion. 70 minutes. Pleasant at best. 

March 21st, 2024: I smoked this one in my cigar room and with the smoke lingering, it was more rich and complex. Flavour was quite pleasant, albeit mild throughout. Quite pleasant at 70 minutes.

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