Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Toro and Robusto

I bought two boxes, one robusto and one toro, which I shared with a friend. Both the robusto and the toro have a similar profile, the toro lasted ten or twenty minutes longer than the robusto.

January 11th, 2022 - Toro: This is a 6 x 54 Nicaraguan binder and filler with a US Connecticut broadleaf wrapper from the My Father group. The first thing I noticed about the cigar was a yellowish cellophane wrapper. That suggested that the cigars had aged more than a year. Indeed, upon first light, it was apparent that this was a well aged cigar with a very deep, smooth, dark flavour and a very refined, intense aroma.

Appearance and Construction: The cigar is well made. It's quite heavy in the hand. The wrapper is dark, almost maduro.

US Connecticut broadleaf wrapper

First Puff: A very encouraging first few puffs, full of flavour and spice. 

Draw and Burn: Draw was a little tight, but not plugged. Burn was acceptable throughout. Perhaps one or two minor touch ups. 

Flavour and Complexity: The flavour was a deep, dark roast. Not much spice after the first few puffs. One of my friends at the dinner table commented that it tasted like a maduro. 'Almost'. There wasn't the leatheriness of a maduro. Neptune describes the wrapper as maduro. So maybe it is a maduro cigar. In any event, the flavour was consistently rich and complex; perhaps a little dirt in the second half.

Body: Full body throughout.

Strength: I didn't detect much strength, but my friend, smoking the same cigar, started to feel a bit of a kick towards the beginning of the final third and left the cigar before the nub. (I usually have to tell him to put out a cigar before his fingers burn. So this speaks of a bit of strength.)

Finish and Aftertaste: Finish was long and clean enough, despite the dirty slightly aftertaste around the middle of the cigar. The next day I could barely taste any residue. 

Aroma: Rich and satisfying, deep and complex.

Ash: Half an hour per ashing. 

Balance and Consistency: Very balanced flavour, body and strength profile. Consistently good. Perhaps a little fading of flavour close to the end. But still enjoyable to the nub. 

Time smoke: 90 to 100 minutes. I think my friend lingered 105 minutes on his.

Overall: Very satisfying dark roasted flavour, slow burn, plenty of flavour even without billows of smoke. The only defect was a slightly resistant draw. But this did not affect overall enjoyment. 

Very satisfying first dip into the box.

January 15th, 2022 - Robusto: Almost identical to the Toro in every way: slow burn, dark roast, very balanced and complex. Delightfully deep aroma. 80 minutes. One difference I noted was that the cellophane of the robusto was not yellow with age. Nonetheless, flavour was rich and complex. Very satisfying.

February 7th, 2022 - Toro. This one was slightly plugged. Draw was difficult to the end. Flavour was good, as described above: dark roast, quite a bit of ligero, pepper dominated the beginning of the final third then dissipated. But the full measure of flavour was difficult to extract from the cigar, due to the dreadfully tight draw. Finish was long and quite dirty. I could taste it the next day, although it was attenuated and not unpleasant. I think we'll write this one off to the luck of the draw, pun unintended. 85 minutes. Not satisfying.

March 5th, 2022 - Robusto. The first puff gave a wonderfully rich and complex blast of flavour, which continued, full bodied but smooth and spicy throughout. Burn and draw were fine, although burn was a little fast. Around 65 minutes. The cigar also became quite hot in the second half. Overall flavour, body and strength were quite well balanced. Quite satisfying.

At the one hour mark: only a few more minutes remaining

April 6th, 2022: Toro: Draw was a bit resistant but not plugged: it took several puffs to generate a good plume. Burn was perfect. Aroma was rich 
and satisfying.

Flavour was a very balanced, complex, mellow, dark roast with spice and body building in the final third. No overwhelming strength. Everything was well balanced. Similar to the Joya Black, but with more complexity. 90 minutes. Very satisfying. 

May 18th, 2022: Robusto: A bit thin on flavour on lighting, but the complexity of the cigar soon manifested. There was a certain sweetness along with the dark roast, espresso, flavour; but without any spice or bite. The texture of the smoke was creamy-smooth and medium to full body. The aftertaste was lingering and intense. Construction was a bit wonky, with dips in the surface. But burn and draw were perfect throughout. The cigar lasted just under 80 minutes. Satisfying. 

July 3rd, 2022, Robusto: Plaka, Naxos: quite windy, but this cigar nonetheless delivered good flavour, balance and complexity with a medium body for the first two thirds, after which it became a bit bitter and vegetal. Satisfying, around 70 minutes.

December 24th, 2022, Toro: Medium bodied with a pleasant dark roast flavour. Aftertaste came and went. When it was present, aftertaste made the cigar. Burn was irregular, requiring a few touch ups. Around 90 minutes. Quite satisfying

A pleasant chomp, despite the uneven burn

July 6th, 2023: Robusto Almost delicious! Many nice flavours with smooth chocolate and light roast coffee in a medium body; smooth, easy to draw, pleasant aroma but nothing rich. The cigar delivered a pleasant degree of complexity, but not very deep. Around 70 minutes and quite a pleasant puff.

November 30th, 2023: Robusto. Much the same as the previous, however the second third was the best, with a very smooth maduro flavour and cool smoke, due to quite a tight pack. Not much aroma. Tasty long finish, but a bit woody. Good to the nub. Around 70 minutes.  

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