Friday, December 24, 2021

Oliva Serie O Torpedo

Of the three cigars I have smoked so far, two were tasty, mild to medium with little strength and fast burning. The other one, which I smoked first, was full bodied with quite a kick

1. December 23rd, 2021: This is a 6 x 52 Nicaraguan puro torpedo. It was a delicious cigar with a cocoa milk flavour, like a cup of hot chocolate. It started with a nice, zesty, full bodied complexity, settled down to a medium bodied and mellow profile. In the second half spice and strength pushed the cigar up to full body. The final inch delivered a nicotine kick for which I was not prepared.

It is highly recommended by aficionados on Neptune. Here is a persuasive review:

Appearance and Construction: A dark brown, smooth, matt wrapper, not oily. This is a Nicaraguan puro. According to JR Cigars the tobacco comes from Esteli, Jalapa and Condega. But there is no indication of proportions. 

First Puff: Surprisingly full bodied, peppery with a bit of strength for about one cm to an inch before the profile became mellow. This first inch was one of the most enjoyable parts of the cigar, reminiscent of a fine Cuban in balance and intensity.

Draw and Burn: Easy draw and near perfect burn throughout.

Flavour and Complexity: The flavour in the first inch was rich, smooth, complex, and spicy, like a very good Cuban. After about an inch until around the middle, the cigar became more like hot chocolate without any spice. It was still very tasty and complex. Then in the second half, pepper returned and flavour intensified.

Body: Body started full, diminished to medium until around the second half at which point it kept building to full. 

Strength: There was a little strength in the first inch, none in the remainder of the first half and then a steady increase in the second half. At first, the strength was quite balanced and an enjoyable complement to the flavour. But as I reached the nub it hit me. I could feel the sweat emerging. Too late. I had already put out the cigar. I staggered to the fridge, poured a large glass of cold water and then went to my room, where I felt quite dizzy and woozy. Sleep that night was fitful and dreams vivid.

The strength kick at the end is surprising. Here's a quote from Neptune which claims that 'the strength won't spook anyone'.

Finish and Aftertaste: Finish was long and complex. Aftertaste was clean until the final inch or two, at which point it became a bit tarry. I could still taste the tarriness the next day.

Aroma:  Aroma was subtle but complex; very fine. 

Ash: Ash held on well for 23 minutes. Then it dropped all over me. After that I ashed every ten or twenty minutes.

Balance and Consistency: There were two transitions: after the first inch and after the first half. The cigar was balanced and consistently good until I put it out, at which point I suffered from too much nicotine. So, too strong in the final third. 

Time smoke: 95 minutes. I would have been wise to have left it ten minutes earlier. But it's difficult to leave the nub when it's so tasty.

Overall: This was a delicious cigar. I wasn't expecting such a rich, complex profile. Nor was I expecting the kick of strength at the end. I was expecting a much milder cigar than the Serie V after having read a few comments on Neptune, preferring the V to the O. In fact, I didn't find that much difference between the V and O. O certainly is not inferior to V in body, flavour or strength. I need to revisit the V to make a better comparison. 

But for the nicotine kick at the end, very satisfying. 

At the one hour mark: still another 35 minutes left. However, I would have been wise to leave the cigar a bit earlier and avoid the nicotine kick at the nub. 

2. January 3rd, 2022: Not as rich, intense and complex as the previous sample. There was no intense first inch, nor was there any spice or pepper. This cigar was more like the middle section of the first cigar: smooth, mellow and medium bodied at most. There was no strength to speak of. It was also quite fast burning, barely stretching to 70 minutes, compared with 95 minutes of the previous. Aroma was transient and subtle, but quite rich. Overall pleasant to quite satisfying.

3. January 31st, 2022: This cigar resembled no.2, above: very pleasant medium roast flavour but mild to medium body, not much aftertaste or finish, fast burning, very little aroma, no strength. This cigar was perhaps faster burning than no.2. Total smoking time was about 60 minutes, similar to a robusto. Overall pleasant, but not satisfying. There certainly was complexity in the flavour.  But overall it was a little too light. A little more body and burn time would have been more satisfying.

Fast burner: quite tasty but lasted barely 60 minutes. For a 6x52 that's a bit disappointing.

4. February 11th, 2023: Quite light in the hand and fast burning but I managed to eke out almost 70 minutes. Flavour was a delicious medium roast with a nice chocolately aftertaste. Body was medium throughout. There was no strength to speak of. Overall, this was a well balanced, complex, rich, tasty, medium bodied cigar. The fact that it burned quickly goes to show that size doesn't necessarily correlate with burn time. I've had many a robusto that lasts as long. Nonetheless, it was most enjoyable. Very satisfying.

5. July 1st, 2023: Another excellent example of the blend. All of the previous comments apply to this cigar: light in the hand, fast burning, a bit uneven but self-correcting, excellent medium body throughout, with rich chocolatey flavour, and a little pepper developing in the final third. 75 minutes and very satisfying.

September 2nd, 2023: A delicious example of the blend, this one reached full body in the final third and lasted more than 90 minutes. Very satisfying.

February 29th, 2024: Only a few of these morsels left in the box. What a tasty cigar. Very smooth and balanced, medium plus body, delicious lingering after taste. Good to the nub at 90 minutes. Very satisfying.  

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