Thursday, December 16, 2021

Cain Sun Grown 550

1 and 2. December 16th, 2021: This is the second foray into the the Cain 550 series, which, at 5.75inches x 50, is a slightly longer robusto and boasts the descriptor, "Straight Ligero". There are five blends in the series. The black label corresponds to the 'Habano' blend, which has the same 25/27/30% blend of ligero as the Sun Grown.

The first variety that I tried was the Cain F 550. F is for fuerte, 'strong'. In fact it was so strong that the final third provided a stout kick in the gut and left me staggering to my room. The Sun Grown contains a different blend of Ligero but using tobacco from the same three regions of Nicaragua: Esteli, Condega and Jalapa. The combinations are printed on the box label.

As you can see from the box labels, the Sun Grown has a little more than 20% less Esteli than the red Fuerte, and around 20% more Jalapa. One would be forgiven for imagining that such modest differences would have a minimal effect. The reality, from two samples was quite surprising. The Sun Grown was much milder, ranging from mild to medium body and having no discernible strength. Flavour and body increased in the second third, but strength did not appear. Overall it was quite a mellow and pleasant 80 minutes smoke.

Appearance and Construction: The cigar appeared much like its Fuerte cousin: slender, dull, light brown wrapper. It is a Nicaraguan puro, with 82% ligero leaf from three regions, as shown in the photograph above.

First Puff: Mild and mellow - a strong contrast with the Fuerte, which was chokingly strong upon first puff.

Draw and Burn: A little resistance in the draw. Burn was wavy but self correcting and razor sharp at the end.

Flavour and Complexity: Flavour was a mild, mellow, cocoa which increased in intensity in the second and final thirds.  Towards the end of the first third there was a hint of bitterness. But that soon subsided. There was a hint of spice in the final third.  

Body: The first third was mild and mellow. Body increased markedly in the second third. However it never reached full body. At most it was medium plus.

Strength: No strength to speak of. Strength was quite mild throughout.

Finish and Aftertaste: Short finish during the first third but a much longer finish in the second third. Aftertaste was slightly bitter, but quite interesting.

Aroma: Very little aroma to speak of; at best, an occasional whiff. This was the most disappointing feature of the cigar.

Ash: Quite firm. I let the first ash drop at 25 minutes.

Balance and Consistency: A fine balance of flavour and body all around the medium level. There was no unbalanced strength, as with the Fuerte cousin.

Time smoke: 80 minutes to the nub.

At just over 80 minutes it was time to put this cigar out.

Overall: Quite satisfying. I was pleasantly relieved to find that strength was not overwhelming, unlike the first (but not the second) Fuerte that I tried. Aroma could have been a little more prominent. But the overall medium body profile and mellow flavour sustained interest.

3. January 24th, 2022: A solid medium body throughout. No overwhelming strength. Flavour was rich, with a little bitterness, but actually the bitterness added to the complexity of the flavour profile. It wasn't a detraction. Aroma was fleeting at best.  This cigar doesn't trade on its aroma. Draw and burn perfect. 75 minutes. Satisfying. 

4. February 16th, 2022: This cigar was hard as a rock, but there was no sign of cracking or exfoliation. Flavour was complex and tasty, a bit like cocoa powder but without bitterness. There was no spice or pepper, despite the ligero content, except a touch of spice in the final third. Aroma was fleeting, but quite rich and mellow. Body was medium. Strength was not prominent. Draw was a bit resistant, but not excessively so. Burn was close to sharp. Overall, this was a very smooth and rich cigar with great balance. 105 minutes. Very satisfying.

At the one hour mark: very slow burning; 105 minutes in total, remarkable for a 5.5 x 50.

5. March 28th, 2022: Smooth and tasty, but started quite mild, before building up to a medium body. No spice or pepper. Very clean finish. Burn and draw were perfect. 85 minutes. Quite satisfying. 

6. August 10th, 2022: Much the same as the March sample: started a bit mild and boring but after an inch, complex, balanced, medium body, rich flavour. Once flavour and body improved the cigar maintained its quality to the nub. Quite delicious. The only negative point was aroma, which was quite mild. 

110 minutes. Good to the nub. Very satisfying.

7. November 7th, 2022: Much the same flavour and body profile as above. However, the cigar cracked, but without hindering burn. No pepper. The cigar reminded me more of a Cameroon wrapper, but it's straight Nicaraguan. 80 minutes. Quite satisfying.

8. July 15th, 2023: This was a delicious cigar. It started a bit bitter but soon mellowed out. Flavour was a complex and interesting mixture of cocoa and various vegetal qualities. Burn was even but draw was slightly tight. Aroma was fleeting but quite rich and powerful when it appeared. Body hovered around medium throughout and strength was not a problem. Altogether very satisfying, albeit only 60 minutes.

October 2nd, 2023: This cigar started off promisingly, but was difficult to draw until around the start of the second half. Once it opened up, the cigar was delicious: medium bodied, rich and intense with good aroma. Just goes to show how construction correlates with flavour. 

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