Thursday, October 28, 2021

Oliva Cain F 550

The first sample knocked my socks off in the final third. I took the second sample carefully, wary of building strength, but it was much less strong with no surprise kick at the end. Flavour in the second cigar was much richer and complex than that of the first, which was often monodimensional.

The third cigar was also too strong. Strength manifested in the second third and abated slightly in the third. But the whole experienced was marred by too much strength. 

1. October 27th, 2021: This is a strong cigar. The 'F' in the name stands for "fuerte", strong. The label describes the cigar as 'sungrown' and 'straight ligero'. According to Neptune, it's 82% ligero, which is the strongest leaf of the plant. Indeed, it was strong.

Appearance and Construction: The cigar looks well made but with a slight kink at the foot. It was quite light in the hand, which contributed to a very easy draw. It had a few soft spots but these had no noticeable effect on burn or draw. 

The size is 5 3/4 inches by 50. So it's somewhere between a robusto and a toro. As described above, it's a Nicaraguan puro with 82% ligero tobacco.

Straight ligero, but not quite straight; a slight kink at the foot.

First Puff: Strong: not just the flavour but the aroma was strong. It was so strong that I had to avoid the direct path of wafting smoke when I put the cigar down to rest.

This intensity of flavour and aroma soon abated and the cigar took on a more mellow, albeit strong, profile until the final third. 

Draw and Burn: Draw and burn were almost perfect. There was a bit of a wave in the final third but it self corrected. Draw was easy with no resistance but this didn't mean a fast burn. Due to the strength of the cigar, it was necessary to put the cigar down for a while and take a break, resulting in a burn time of more than 90 minutes. 

Flavour and Complexity: Flavour was a little thin but was balanced by strength. One of the reviewers on the Neptune site described the flavour as 'a bit unidimensional'. I wouldn't agree with that. There was a bit of complexity in the flavour. But it was somewhat thin.

Flavour was a medium roast coffee with a powdery, vegetal, after taste. There was nothing dark or dirty about the flavour. It resembled the Rocky Patel Edge Corojo, with its powdery aftertaste, but far stronger and more complex than the RP. Flavour dissipated somewhat in the final third. But strength didn't. With a little more discipline I would left the cigar before the final inch and a half, as the strength was a bit overwhelming and flavour was not quite there.

Body: Started off full body, and wavered between medium to full. At times the cigar was so strong that it was difficult to discern whether body was medium or full.

Strength: Strong. The initial explosion of flavour soon abated and the cigar mellowed out after a few millimetres. But strength was present throughout. It was a little unsettling from time to time, jangling the nerves a bit, but slowing down made it tolerable. This is a good cigar to pace. Let it sit for a while between puffs. Even let it go out. Probably a good idea to drink plenty of water to replace sweat.

Strength was not overpowering until I finished the cigar and went to sit at my computer where I felt the nicotine build up on me. The queasiness lasted for a few minutes before fading. A lesser experienced cigar smoker would have felt grave. Nonetheless, it was one of those nights with vivid, detailed dreams. 

Finish and Aftertaste: The finish was long and the aftertaste was a bit dry and powdery, like the Rocky Patel Edge Corojo. 

Aroma: Aroma was deep and rich. Very fine. 

Ash: Ash held on quite well. The first ash lasted 20 minutes. It was the flaky, salt and pepper speckled variety, perhaps reflecting the loose packing of the cigar.

Balance and Consistency: The initial flavour blast was welcome as was the subsequent smoothness. The strength also complemented the flavour well. However, the final third was more strength than flavour. If I had been more disciplined, I would not have smoked it to the final inch. I would have let it go with two inches to left. 80 minutes would have been adequate.

Time smoke: 95 minutes. 

Overall: This is an interesting combination of medium roast flavour, strength and good aroma. Burn was excellent and draw was without resistance. Overall, I think the strength was overdone, especially in the final third. I recall similar issues with the San Lotano Oval Gordo. A year of ageing smoothed that cigar out well. Perhaps a little ageing will give this cigar more balance.

Excellent burn and easy draw throughout

2. December 29th, 2021: Almost a different cigar: flavour was extremely rich, resembling the Melanio in complexity. Aftertaste was a little dirty. Aroma was rich. Flavour and body were pretty much consistent throughout with a little extra smoothness in the final third.

The cigar was strong throughout, but, unlike the previous sample, not overpowering. I was on my guard and smoked the stogie gingerly. I also left the cigar before the nub, at around 82 minutes, to be on the safe side. This was difficult because the cigar became smoother and more mellow in the final third. 

Wrapper was dark and oily. The cigar might have been a little too moist, as it was somewhat squishy. But there were no issues with burn or draw. Burn was almost perfect.

Overall, this was much more satisfying than the previous cigar. I was quite pleased that strength did not overwhelm and flavour was rich and at times extremely complex. The cigar was similar to the Rocky Patel Super Ligero, but with a medium roast flavour rather than dark roast and burnt toast. It also reminded me of some of the better samples of the Alec Bradley Nica Puro. 82 minutes. Quite satisfying.

Lovely oily wrapper

Ash held on well.

At the one hour mark. I left the cigar with an inch or more to preempt surprise strength kick at the end. It was difficult because the final third was somewhat smoother and quite delicious. 

3. February 19th, 2022: Some good moments with this cigar but it was too strong. Wonderful rich aroma, perfect draw and burn. Full body all the way. The first third was excellent. If it had stayed that way throughout, with not transitions, it would have been a favourite. But strength intervened.

Strength didn't start to accelerate until the second third. After that it came in spasms; or, should I say, my gut reacted in spasms and I broke into a sweat. It's a shame, because the first third was deliciously complex and rich without being overwhelming. It was only the second third that was unbalanced. But it was sufficiently unpleasant to cast a shadow over the whole experience. 
The final third toned down the strength a bit and it was quite enjoyable. But I was wary of another night of vivid dreams, so I abandoned the nub at about an inch.

Interestingly, the cigar was moist and squishy, as was the cigar of December 29th, above. However, it came from the same box as the Cain 550 Sungrown that I smoked a few days ago. The Sungrown was bone hard. Go figure!

By comparison with the Sungrown, the F is less balanced. I think I'd prefer the Sungrown for balance, even though the F has some moments which are more satisfying. As I mentioned, if the Cain F had remained the same as the first third, throughout, it would have been a winner.
Overall, 95 minutes, not satisfying. 

4. November 22nd, 2023: This cigar was light in the hand, very easy to draw and burned quite consistently. It was strong, but not too strong. Flavour was a bit monodimensional, lacking complexity, as I've described above. Aroma was nothing to speak of; almost a bit like marijuana. Finish was long and strong, allowing for generous pauses between puffs and even a relight. Altogether quite satisfying at 90 minutes. 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

Joya Black Double Robusto

5 x 56 Nicaraguan binder and filler with a Mexican San Andres Maduro wrapper.

October 6th, 2021: This cigar, like all of the Joya cigars that I've tried in the last couple of months, suffered from construction flaws. When a cigar is badly rolled, it burns badly, draw is compromised and flavour is compromised. After the cigar passed the badly rolled portion it was quite interesting; so much so that I smoked it to the nub, taking over 80 minutes.  

Appearance and Construction: The cigar looks good. It felt weighty. But alas, the construction was flawed, preventing appreciation until the second half. 

First Puff: Instantly revealed the earthy, maduro flavour of the cigar. But draw very soon became difficult.

Draw and Burn: First half, draw and burn were problematic. Draw was hampered by a construction defect. Burn canoed from the first half inch - not a good sign. It didn't correct and needed touching up. 

Canoeing started after less than half an inch. 

Construction flaw was revealed by the glowing ember. An even burn would not leave such a residual spike.

Flavour and Complexity: Once the construction flaws were passed, at around the second half, the cigar revealed a dark, woody, earthy (dirty) dark roast flavour. Complexity was not great. It was more than monodimensional, with a decent amount of pepper and maduro sweetness, but flavour was not deep and rich. The last inch, however, was quite compelling and flavourful, such that I hung onto the nub much longer than I would have anticipated. There must have been something in it.

Body: a steady medium body, perhaps a little over medium.

Strength: Nothing overwhelming, although I felt a bit of a buzz at the end.

Finish and Aftertaste: Finish was not long or satisfying. It was adequate. Aftertaste was a bit dirty. This is not a refined cigar. 

Aroma: Excellent, rich aroma.

Ash: Nothing remarkable.

Balance and Consistency: The first half was dreadful. The second half was quite balanced in the medium body/strength, earthy flavour range.

Time smoke: Due to the tastiness of the last inch, I eked out 80 minutes. I wouldn't expect such performance if the cigar had burned well. 

Overall: I like the size: 5 x 56. It's a nice, meaty, robusto. I'd really like to try one without construction issues. However, considering the very poor construction in the five or six Joyas that I've smoked in the past month, I'm not hopeful. Verdict: promising and quite pleasant. 

October 18th, 2021:
Much the same as above. Canoeing started after about an inch.

The construction flaw, shown by the glowing ember in the second photo on this page, was much the same in this cigar. Flavour was muted and there wasn't much aroma to speak of; perhaps the occasional whiff.

After a touch up and passing the defective first third, the cigar became quite enjoyable. Draw was easy and burn was regular. The flavour was much the same as previous: a dark roast, burnt toast flavour, but almost complex and almost creamy. Finish and aftertaste were not long and lingering, but it was a clean aftertaste; not at all dirty.

Strength crept up towards to the final third and as I stood up, after finishing the cigar, I noticed a bit of dizziness. It was not unpleasant and soon passed. If anything, it was a nice enhancement to the medium body of the cigar, which picked up in the final third to quite a delicious flavour.

The cigar barely lasted 65 minutes. But it was quite enjoyable. Verdict: Almost satisfying. The construction defect was a detraction. It now seems that all of the Joyas I've tried have this problem: The Black, the Red and the Antano.

Despite the rough start, the cigar became quite satisfying in the final third. 

June 23rd 2022: After eight months I revisited this cigar. The burn was quite good as was the initial draw. There was no tunnel or canoeing. At the halfway mark, there was resistance but this passed and soon draw was easy enough.

Flavour was much as described above: woody, burnt toast, dark roast, a bit of pepper but not balanced or sufficiently complex to maintain interest. There were no moments of complexity. 

Aroma was quite pleasant, albeit not a major factor. 

Finish was short. It wasn't a cigar I would put down for long periods due to being satisfied. Aftertaste was a bit bitter and dirty. 

Strength built up towards the second half and this was quite a pleasant addition to the package. But unlike the previous cigar there was no delicious flavour in the final third. 

In summary, this was not a very inspiring cigar. The flavour profile wasn't sufficiently complex and the aftertaste was too bitter. 65 minutes. Not very satisfying. 

La Aurora 1495 Brasil Maduro Robusto

  June 29th, 2024 : According to the La Aurora website, this cigar is made with, ...six tobaccos from five different countries: the dark and...