Tuesday, September 21, 2021

AJ Fernandez San Lotano Oval Robusto

September 20th, 2021: I bought a box of the Gordo vitola of this cigar. I usually love a big cigar. But the gordo is intimidating. It is 6.5 x 60 and the first few I smoked were some of the strongest cigars I've ever smoked, despite the claim on Neptune.com that the cigar is of medium strength. After about six months, the strength of my gordos had settled down to a much more mellow, full bodied cigar. However the size is still daunting. I therefore decided to buy a box of the robusto, which at 5.5 x 54 is a very generous robusto.

I smoked the first from the box last night. It was quite delicious and conformed to the Neptune description: medium in every sense. 

Appearance and Construction: The cigar has a distinctive oval shape. It feels good in the hand albeit light. Humidity appeared to be just right: firm to the squeeze but with a little spring.

According to Neptune, the wrapper is Ecuadorian Habano. The binder is Nicaraguan, and the filler is Nicaraguan and Honduran.  

First Puff: A good blast of flavour, but not much pepper.

Draw and Burn: Very easy draw. Almost no resistance. Plumes of easy smoke from start to finish. Burn was adequate; not razor sharp, but no touch up required.

Flavour and Complexity: The flavour was a medium roast coffee with very little, if any, spice. There was a hint of sweetness that made the flavour pleasantly complex. One writer on Neptune described the flavour as hazelnut. That idea came to my mind as I was smoking it. But I'm not sure what that adds. The flavour was quite rich, similar to that of the Gordo but not as intense. During the first third the cigar reminded me of the Bolivar Corona Royal (robusto) of the 80's and 90's, which was a lot stronger and darker than the current version. 

During the final third, flavour began to fade, leaving a more vegetal, less fermented flavour. It was still enjoyable enough to smoke to the nub. 

Body: Medium throughout

Strength: Medium but picked up a little towards the nub.

Finish and Aftertaste: A pleasant, clean after taste

Aroma: A good, rich, intense aroma.

Ash: Ash held on for 25 minutes, thereafter shorter intervals of 10 to 15 minutes. 

Balance and Consistency: The cigar was a well balanced medium bodied, medium strength cigar. The only defect was the final third in which flavour dissipated.

Time smoke: Almost 80 minutes

Overall: Quite satisfying. An easy, flavourful, enjoyable 80 minutes. 

First ash held on for about 25 minutes.

2. September 25th, 2021: Much fuller body than the first cigar from the box, much more flavour, pepper was prominent throughout the cigar. The flavour and body of this cigar resembled the gordo, which is a powerhouse, much more so than the first sample. Burn was uneven and required a couple of touch ups. Draw was completely without resistance, yet the cigar gave off plumes of smoke and lasted 80 minutes. Very satisfying.

3. October 8th, 2021: Another excellent sample from the box. Pre-light aroma was grassy and fragrant without biting the nose. Draw was easy. Burn was regular enough. No touch ups required. 

Flavour was milk chocolate/ medium roast with a touch of pepper and a lingering aftertaste of caramel. Aroma was rich and sweet. Complexity of flavour and aroma were satisfying. It reminded me of the Romeo y Julieta Wide Churchill. But flavour is definitely not Cuban.

Ash was annoying. It looked like it would hold on for another millimetre but twice came crashing down on my shirt and chair. Beware! 

Body was a solid medium plus with strength building nicely. It was powerful without being overwhelming, unlike its Gordo cousin. Overall this vitola was quite a well-balanced package of flavour, strength, body and aroma. 

I'm glad I ordered another box. Almost 80 minutes. Very satisfying. 

Burn was not even, but corrected well enough. 

4. November 8th, 2021: Less satisfying: this one was much milder and lesser body. Flavour was somewhere between the Joya Red, with its sour aftertaste and the Enclave, which is its rich complex cocoa flavour. No pepper to speak of, perhaps in the last inch. Aroma was only occasionally present. The cigar burned well and there was minimal resistance. 80 minutes, but not satisfying.  

5. December 11th, 2021: Very satisfying. This cigar started out with a blast of full bodied pepper and cocoa. It then settled down to a medium bodied cocoa as the pepper dissipated. Spice returned from time to time. There were no defined transitions. Flavours came and went. There was a peppermint in the final third. Body went up and down ranging between medium and full. Aroma came and went, excellent and refined when it came. But all the time, the cigar was complex and interesting. 

At the one hour mark

Burn was mostly good. The cigar needed a couple of relights. But that might have been due to the leisurely pace of smoking which, in turn, was due to the delicious long finish. I let the cigar go at 90 minutes. Very satisfying.

Good to the nub

6. December 31st, 2021: Last cigar of the year and it couldn't have been better. These cigars keep getting better and better. This cigar was excellent. It began with a spicy full bodied blast, which settled down to a milder, medium bodied, version after about half an inch. However, the cigar continued to build body so that by the final third it was quite intense, full bodied, peppery and moderately strong. The cigar lasted 90 minutes, the same as no. 5, above. What stood out was the balance: flavour, body, strength all fitted together nicely. Aroma was superbly rich and intense. Very satisfying. 

A very fine balance of flavour, body and strength

7. January 10th, 2022: This was another very satisfying cigar. I smoked this with a visiting friend. We smoked Joya Antano, AJ Fernandez San Lotano Connecticut, and several others, during his visit. The San Lotano Oval Robusto stood out as the most memorable. By comparison, I had another San Lotano Oval Gordo. The Gordo has a wonderful aroma. But it's way too strong and flavour peters out by the second half. The Robusto is a winner.

8. March 2nd, 2022: This cigar began with a blast of spice, full bodied and tasty. It was quite complex and satisfying. After about an inch, all trace of spice had disappeared, body reduced to medium and flavour was a bit powdery. Fortunately, after a few minutes, body, flavour and spice came back, demonstrating what a fine, balanced, tasty cigar this is. 80 minutes. Quite satisfying. 

At the one hour mark

9. March 30th, 2022. This cigar was a little light in the hand. Flavour was a little muted. The blast of spice which began the previous cigar didn't happen. It was still fairly tasty, but the cigar felt and tasted as though it was underpacked. The final third was squishy and flavour was thin. Nonethless, I eked 80 minutes out of it. Pleasant, but not satisfying. 

10. April 9th, 2022: This cigar was well-packed, unlike the cigar of last month, rich and delicious throughout. It burned well. Draw was fine. Aroma was rich and complex. This cigar was a fine example of the blend: everything well balanced. Around 90 minutes to the nub. Very satisfying. 

11. May 6th: First satisfying cigar after a few weeks under the weather with covid. Everything about this cigar was good: the dry aroma, the lit aroma, the draw, the burn, the flavour, the body and the strength. After a few weeks of no cigars, the strength was a little overwhelming, but I smoked the cigar to the nub. Very satisfying. 

Strange dream: I was competing in some kind of competition which involved running between railway tracks. All of a sudden I was in a strange place: It was Shanghai according to my phone. My dog was with me on a leash. 

We were thirsty and went into a shop which was all white and had cabinets containing small bottles of water. I asked for water in Chinese. But I couldn't think of any other Chinese words. I panicked at the thought that my dog would be killed for entering the country illegally. 

Then my secretary spoke to me on my phone (without it ringing). She was in Wuhan and said we had been teleported by a Hungarian illusionist. I began to get suspicious. This must be a dream. I woke up, quite dehydrated after sweating for an hour and a half while smoking the cigar. Not sure if the strange dream was due to the nicotine or the dehydration. After a few weeks of absence, it's quite likely that nicotine tolerance had abated.  

12. July 2nd, 2022, Plaka, Naxos: Very little flavour, but it was so windy it was difficult to tell whether it was the cigar or the wind. In any even, best not to smoke a cigar in the wind. Not satisfying: around 60 minutes.

13. July 13th, 2022, Chora, Naxos: a light breeze prevailed, but not as bad as the previous sample. Very pleasant and a bit of a kick, but not overwhelming. Flavour and body were in the medium range. Quite satisfying. 80 minutes.

14. July 30th, 2022: I tried a Gurkha Connecticut wrapped Gordo which boasted on it's label, Rare Reserve, Aged 12 years." Well, so much for that. It started with a bit of flavour but soon descended into thin and multidimensional. After fifteen minutes draw was almost impossible. I binned it and went to an old faithful - the San Lotano Oval Robusto. 80 minutes, easy draw, occasional whiff of rich aroma. Quite satisfying. 

15. November 2nd, 2022: This was a full bodied sample, quite strong, but too tightly packed. I had to sip it, but it was strong enough to be savoured. Excellent aroma. Very satisfying. Almost 100 minutes.

16. November 26th, 2022: The first of a new box. Very similar to that of the November 2nd, above: very strong, full bodied and too tightly packed. Aroma was exquisite. Satisfying.

17. December 29th, 2022: Full bodied from the outset but quite smooth until the final third when it became a bit intense, but not bitter. No issues with draw or burn. 90 minutes. Satisfying.

18. March 17, 2023: Deliciously spicy and medium to full body, easy draw, rich aroma; an excellent example. 90 minutes. Very satisfying. 

19 and 20. September 9th and 15th, 2023: Both excellent, spicy, full bodied, excellent draw, delicious, no dirt. Very satisfying.

21. September 30th, 2023: Not quite a dud, but flavour diminished during the second third, leaving a rather washed out flavour; otherwise, the usual quality and time. Beautiful construction.

February 15th 2024: What a brilliant cigar. It was full bodied but without any spice or bitterness. Draw was a bit tight and the cigar began to canoe in the final third, but it corrected easily with a relight. This was one of the most delicious cigars I've had in a long time: clean, smooth, full bodied, balanced. Very satisfying at 80 minutes.

Burn issue in the final third: otherwise perfect

Sunday, September 19, 2021

Joya de Nicaragua Antaño 1970 Churchill

1. September 18th, 2021: This is a 6.9 by 48 Nicaraguan Puro. The cigar is very highly rated by Stogie Guys. The Robusto Grande is lauded by Phil Kohn, who writes,

I highly recommend this cigar. I cannot think of a single criticism. The cigar has everything going for it. It is very close to a perfect cigar experience.

After a couple of disappointments with the Joya Red, I was very keen to try it and dipped into the box a day after its arrival. 

Appearance and Construction: The cigar looks a bit rustic. It's very smoothly made but the wrapper is quite mottled and the cap appeared quite roughly affixed. 

According to Kohn, the structure is:

Wrapper: Nicaraguan Habano Criollo (native seed)
Binder: Nicaraguan Habano
Filler: Nicaraguan Habano

I had smoked a few Antaños Gran Reserva a few years ago. They were a lot darker.  JR Cigars writes about the Criollo wrapper:

There are two main regions in Nicaragua where Criollo is grown: Estelí, and Jalapa. The Jalapa Criollo plant has a very distinct sweetness and the Estelí’ strain has more of an earthy and nutty flavor profile. Once again, this flavor difference is due to chemical composition of the soil and the climate of each region. 

My guess is that the Criollo wrapper in the Antaño Churchill is from Jalapa, given the sweet flavour profile. 

Prelight aroma: A very subdued prelight aroma, slightly leathery.

First Puff: Very spicy, full bodied. But this quickly dissipated to a more restrained, mellow profile.

Draw and Burn: Draw was a little tight, but not too tight. Burn was excellent. I let the cigar go out towards the end and so a relight was required. But otherwise, all waviness self-corrected.

Flavour and Complexity: Throughout the first two thirds, flavour was a mild to medium sweet, light roast, weak coffee. There was no spice. Everything was calm and mellow but not without complexity. The Montecristo Especial came to mind, although I hadn't smoked one for decades. It was very pleasant. But body was insufficient to make the cigar satisfying - until the final third. 

The final third was a complete change. Flavour became richer, pepper made an entry and the whole profile of the cigar intensified. Body increased to full. Strength picked up. 

Body: Mild to medium for the first two thirds; a full bodied explosion in the final third.

Strength: Mild to medium, then building up to strong in the final third.

Finish and Aftertaste: Very pleasant, clean sweet, light, long finish. 

Aroma: A bit disappointing. Aroma was not strong or intense. It was pleasant, but subdued throughout the cigar.

Ash: Ash held on well during the first half hour. After the initial tap, ash became fractured and irregular. I noticed that an ember was glowing in one of the ashes, suggesting an uneven burn. But that didn't produce any problems with draw or burn, unlike the Joya Red I smoked, twice this month.

Nice firm ash for the first half hour. Waves self-corrected.

Balance and Consistency: The lack of pronounced aroma was a detraction. Body in the first two thirds could have been stronger. Otherwise, the transition from medium body to full body in the final third was quite satisfying and added character to the cigar.

Time smoke: 95 minutes

Overall: Kohn summarizes his experience with the Robusto Grande:  

"Obviously, this is a cigar for seasoned smokers. The power of this cigar is so omnipresent that a newbie would run for the woods screaming for his mama. This is a real kick ass cigar." I didn't find that in the Churchill, not until the final third. During the first two thirds I would have rated this cigar just 'satisfying'. It was smooth and mellow with medium body and little strength. But the flavour explosion in the final third brings up the rating to 'very satisfying' and conforms to Kohn's conclusion. I look forward to the next sample from the box. 

2. September 27th, 2021: Second dip into the box. The cigar was in good condition: not to moist, not too dry, firm to the touch but with a few empty spaces. Again, no prelight aroma to speak of; perhaps a vague leatheriness. The first few puffs were full bodied and peppery, but that flavour blast soon abated. 

The first third was smooth, but rather thin and quite boring. It reminded me of the Philippine Tabacalera cigars I used to smoke in the 80's; pleasant, with the light roast coffee flavour, but monodimensional. 

The second third was a marked improvement. Aroma became richer and body increased to a medium plus. But there was no spice or pepper until the second half of the cigar, when it came alive. By the final third the cigar became quite enjoyable, almost full bodied, rich and complex with a bit of strength and bit of spice. 

The only drawback was construction. The middle third was perfect, but draw was tight and burn was uneven in the first and final thirds, requiring several annoying touch ups.

In total, 105 minutes. Duration was probably partially influenced by difficult draw. Overall, quite satisfying, but problematic. The first third was rather dull and touchups were a nuisance.

3. October 21st, 2021: This was the best specimen so far: a delicious, well burning, aromatic cigar which lasted 110 minutes with no major construction issues. Flavour was rich and smooth, much as described above: light to medium roast coffee. It wasn't monodimensional, the sample from last month was in the first third. Aroma was rich and complex. The only defect, if one must be found, was that draw was a little tight around the middle. But that soon corrected. Overall, 110 minutes. Very satisfying. I look forward to the next one.

I listened to a podcast: Jordan Peterson interviewing Michael Shellenberger about his book Apocalypse Never. It was an excellent discussion of the psychology of the apocalyptic mindset: depressed and projecting doom onto the world. At one point Peterson burst out, "What is wealth? Wealth is energy." So true.

4. December 4th, 2021: Another hit! Medium bodied during the first two thirds. Full body in the final third with a strength kick towards the end.  Complex flavour and aroma throughout. The characteristic sweet, dried fruit flavour was prominent.

Burn and draw had defects. The ash split in two, like a celery stick, after the first inch.

The split ash didn't have any noticeable effects on draw or burn. Burn was wavy throughout, but self corrected without need for touch up. Draw was occasionally resistant and at the beginning of the final third, very resistant; so much so that it needed a partial relight. But once it got going, smoke volume was adequate. 

Strength built up in the final third and gave quite a kick towards the nub. Overall, quite satisfying and good to the nub. 95 minutes. 

After one hour

5. December 27th, 2021: Medium bodied throughout. No strength to speak of; no kick in the final third. Good burn except for a minor touch up. Flavour profile much the same as above: medium roast coffee and dried apricot. 100 minutes. Quite satisfying.

6. March 21st, 2022: A sweet, mild to medium bodied cigar with a touch of spice here and there. Good long finish and aftertaste. Easy draw and burn not perfect, as above. A nice frisson of strength in the final third. This cigar burned much faster than others. 80 minutes. Quite satisfying. 
Barely 80 minutes in this one. But quite pleasant with a nice kick at the end.

7. June 20th, 2022: The first two thirds were pleasantly in the medium body range. Draw was a bit resistant and the ash split as in the December 4th, cigar above. Burn was otherwise adequate, however the cigar went out once or twice in the two inches. The final third developed to full body. It was much tastier than the first two thirds. Strength increased somewhat. It didn't feel overpowering, but strange dreams ensued that night. Complexity wasn't up to the level of the Belicoso, which, when it's good, is a winner. But still quite satisfying. 95 minutes. 

Friday, September 3, 2021

Joya Red Cañonazo

1. 2nd September, 2021:  This is a 5.5 x 54 robusto. It comes in a beautiful red box.

On the front side of the box is an excellent description of the cigar, comprising the origin of the components of the cigar and body. 

Construction: This was a beautiful cigar: smooth appearance, with an attractive Nicaraguan Habano wrapper. 

Unfortunately, the first cigar I tried from the box had construction issues. There was too much resistance; the cigar was slightly plugged. There was enough draw to smoke the cigar, but burn was uneven and required three touch ups. After the first ash fell I noticed a pencil-shaped ember protruding about half an inch - the tell-tale sign of a plug. This affected burn, which was wavy, draw, which was tight and flavour, which was unbalanced until the final third.

Draw: Plugged enough to create too much resistance until the final third, after which the cigar opened up with plumes of medium bodied smoke. 

Burn: Wavy. But I would put this down to poor construction. I wouldn't draw any conclusions from one sample. 

Wavy burn throughout. Note the plug protruding from the remaining assh and the cavity in the ash that fell into the ashtray.

Flavour: Flavour was compromised by the plug and consequent uneven burn. The cigar began mild to medium with an interesting sour finish. I imagine that some would call this the 'sour cherry' flavour. It was a pleasant light chocolatey cocoa flavour. But a bit too light to be satisfying. By the final third I had passed the plug and the flavour of the cigar came together. It was so delicious that I smoked more of the nub than I would otherwise, having felt cheated in the first two thirds. The final third was much more complex than the first two thirds and added a little spice. 

Complexity: Complexity was elusive during the first half of the cigar but exploded in the final third. 

Body: Body was mild to medium with increased intensity, almost to full body, in the final third.

Strength: The cigar started light with almost no strength. But in the final third strength was prominent, gradually rising to strong in the last inch. I quite enjoyed it even though I felt mildly dizzy. The strength was a surprise and it complemented the increased complexity of flavour as well as the pepper blast. (Vivid dreams ensued that night.)

Finish: Finish was sour in the first third; not unpleasantly sour. As strength and complexity increased the sourness dissipated and the finish became longer and smoother.

Aroma: Not much aroma while the cigar was plugged but after that, it was a very pleasant, refined aroma. 

Ash: A grey ash that held on substantially, perhaps due to the plug, but which flaked, also, quite likely due to the plug. I noticed several holes in the ash from time to time, each around the size of a match head. Once or twice there was a long fissure in the ash. These defects were no doubt due to the plug. 

Balance and Consistency: Unfortunately, there was no balance until the final third, at which point the cigar came together.

Time smoke: 70 minutes

Overall: This was a promising cigar. But for the plug it would have been very good. The transition from mild to medium-full body and the blast of strength and pepper at the end were very interesting. Construction issues are found in all cigars. I've been especially unlucky recently. This is my third plug in a month. The other two were in an AJ Fernandez and a Liga Privada; totally unrelated brands. Cigars, being hand made and mass produced are bound to have an issue from time to time. So I don't draw any conclusions from one unfortunate experience. It's another reason why I order by the box. One needs a larger sample to draw conclusions. I look forward to trying another one in a few weeks. 

2.September 9th 2021: Another poorly constructed specimen. Draw was difficult for the first half inch, after which it opened up somewhat, but not completely; resistance was always too great. As such, the cigar burned for 80 minutes, which is testament to the tight draw. Flavour didn't really develop. Body and finish were both mild. There was no strength, unlike the previous cigar, which culminated in a blast of strength. 

It's probably worth giving this cigar another chance. Two duds in a row might be random. As I mentioned in the first review, there is promise in this cigar. It just needs to deliver more flavour and body. 80 minutes. Pleasant at best. 

After half an hour ash was still holding. But the tilt suggests a poor construction, which manifested in difficult draw and lack of body.

October 30th, 2021: This one was the best burner so far. There was a slight resistance and a small spike after ashing. But draw was not a big deal. Flavour and aftertaste were still sour for the first two thirds. Like the first cigar, on 2nd September, the cigar started to shine in the final third. Sourness abated completely and the cigar became smooth and quite strong. But for the sourness, this would be an interesting cigar with an interesting transition from medium to full body. 80 minutes. Perhaps ageing will moderate the sourness.

At this point the sourness abated and the cigar became strong and smooth.

June 2nd, 2022: Surprise, surprise. This cigar was excellent. It was not plugged. Burn was almost perfect. Draw was slightly resistant, but quite satisfactory. Body hung around medium. As for flavour, the sourness of previous cigars had abated to being just one of a range of flavours, adding to complexity, and much resembling the Partagas Serie D. Aroma was rich, Cubanesque, delicious and omnipresent. The cigar lasted around 110 minutes, letting it go out once or twice. Overall, this was a very satisfying cigar. If all were like this I'd have no hesitation buying another box. 

La Aurora 1495 Brasil Maduro Robusto

  June 29th, 2024 : According to the La Aurora website, this cigar is made with, ...six tobaccos from five different countries: the dark and...