Wednesday, February 3, 2021

AJ Fernandez Enclave Figurado

1. November 27th 2020: What a beauty! Everything about this cigar was elegant: the appearance, the full flavour, the full body, the long finish, the moderate strength and the gradual build-up of spice towards to the nub. The origin of the components of the cigar are a little difficult to ascertain. But the consensus would appear to be Ecuadorian wrapper, Cameroon binder and Nicaraguan and Dominican filler; the best of four worlds.

The specifications:

Vitola: Figurado This is a Perfecto vitola, thicker at the head and tapering to its uncircumcised foot.

Size: 6.5 x 52

Wrapper: a light brown, chocolatey, slightly oily, somewhat rough appearance.

According to JR Cigars (JR) the wrapper is a Habano Rosado EMS, which, according to Cigar Aficionado (CA), refers to English Market Selection: "Abbreviated EMS, a term used to designate a natural color wrapper, not claro or lighter shades, nor maduro or darker shades. 

Neptune: Ecuadorian Habano

Binder Nicaragua (JR) Cameroon (Neptune)

The AJ Fernandez website is somewhat vague on the nature of the filler, labeling it merely as 'Nicaraguan'. But according to other websites, the filler is Pilato Cubano, which according to CA, is "Cuban-seed tobacco grown in the Dominican Republic." Famous smoke confirms the Dominican element: "Using a Dominican-Nicaraguan core, Cameroon binder, and a Habano Rosado wrapper". 

So it would appear that part of the flavour profile is Dominican, which would explain a lot of the juiciness of this cigar. 

Origin: Nicaragua

Construction: Slightly rough. A few major veins. The second one had a beautiful mottled, slightly oily, dark wrapper, suggesting a little age.

Draw: Quite a bit of resistance; probably more than desirable, but not a hindrance.

Flavour: Complex and balanced. 

Aroma: Delicious
Consistency: good from start to the nub

Burn: even, despite canoeing at the outset, no relights

Finish: long and tasty

Body: medium-full to full

Strength: medium

Time smoke: 70 minutes

Overall: Very satisfying

2. December 21st 2020

It started with a little resistance and uneven burn, canoeing down one side, but magically, it evened out to a sharp, even burn. Flavour started out at good medium and built solidly, ending with a pepper blast and medium strength. Body was full throughout and finish was long and tasty. Overall, this was a very tasty, balanced cigar with complexity and delicious aroma. I look forward to the next one. 

3. February 3rd, 2021: Delicious, even burning, a bit tight to the draw in the first half but opened up nicely in the second half. Zesty flavour, full body, long finish, rich aroma were all excellent throughout; a very consistent and satisfying cigar. 100 leisurely minutes.

4. March 29th, 2021: This is probably one of the most balanced cigars in my collection. Everything is balanced: flavour, finish, strength, body, razor sharp burn, aroma, complexity - you name it. It is difficult to find fault with this gem. Strength, in particular, is just enough to add body without being overwhelming at any time. 92 minutes to the nub. 

During this cigar, I listened to Brad Harris's 'Context' podcast wherein he reviewed Allan Bloom's book, The Closing of the American Mind. Harris is remarkably eloquent. Every sentence is well considered and to the point. He ably made the case for Bloom's treatise: that relativism is destructive to the Enlightenment ideals of 'openness' to the best ideas by the destructive idea that all ideas are equally good. Harris makes a good case for the claim that the University is responsible for advancing the best ideas in history and that it is failing that task with its descent in post modernism. His treatment of Nietzsche is exceptional. He describes Nietzsche's idea that 'God is dead' as an appeal against nihilism, not a plea for it; and the need for spiritualism which, according to Harris, Bloom claims should be found in the best of art, philosophy, literature and history. I would add music. This was a very fine intellectual pairing with a smooth, rich, - and above all - balanced cigar; one of the best in my collection.  

5. May 8th, 2021. Sublime. This is a very satisfying cigar: balanced and complex. It begins in the mild to medium bodied category. The Dominican blend adds a savoury quality that we can't find in Nicaraguan puros and makes for a very mellow mixture. There is a hint of pepper which grows to dominance. If you are one who relishes transitions, this is a cigar for you: it starts out mild to medium and progresses to full bodied, spicy, strong by the final third. Draw encountered a little resistance but nothing prohibitive. Burn was almost perfect. This cigar was a little light in the hand and lasted barely 70 minutes. But it was delicious to the nub. 

Podcast: listened to John Gutmann talking to Megyn Kelly (Ep.99) about the fall of a prestigious New York school to woke ideologues. Parents were required to attend two 'anti-racist' Zoom meetings and sign a pledge. Sobering stuff.

6. June 2nd, 2021. Flavour was a little muted in this cigar, otherwise the same profile as I discussed above, on May 8th: begins mild to medium and builds up to a full bodied pepper bomb. Flavour was muted in first third but picked up by the middle of the cigar, with some very creamy, smooth hints of milk chocolate. The final third was dominated by pepper. Strength developed throughout to become 'rather strong' at the end. One minor touch-up required. 85 minutes - but I let it go out for a few minutes.

I listened to an interesting podcast on the Economist's 'The Jab' channel. The issue was whether the IP protecting vaccines should be relaxed during the pandemic. Deputy Editor, Ed Carr, argued persuasively that IP was not the rate determining step for vaccine production and distribution, but rather, that the supply chain was the issue in getting more vaccines to more people.  

7. June 21st, 2021. A delicious, spicy, earthy, rich, dry aroma greeted my nostrils pre-light, portending an excellent smoke. Indeed it was delicious throughout: balanced, rich and building from medium to full body, with a little zing of pepper building to very peppery in the last third. Strength built in the second half but was never overwhelming. Draw was perfect throughout. Construction was fine, but the head was rather thinly packed, becoming squishy in the final two inches, suggesting that it was time to abandon the nub. 100 minutes. Very satisfying.

One of the best samples from the box. Highly satisfying.

8. July 21st, 2021: Another fine example of this delicious blend. Especially delicious during the first few puffs as the ratio of wrapper to filler is higher. Otherwise, burn and draw perfect. I was keen to smoke this cigar a few days after the Oliva Serie V Figurado. They are quite similar, almost indistinguishable. Perhaps the Oliva is a bit richer. I didn't notice the peppery zing of the previous cigar. This one was much smoother. Nor did it reach full body. I would say a solid medium plus. 85 minutes. Very satisfying. 

9. August 30th, 2021: Perfect in every way. My friend, sitting next to me, commented on how beautiful the cigar looked. Draw and burn were excellent throughout. Aroma was fine. Flavour was consistently good. Pepper was moderate. Body was medium, perhaps above. Finish was clean. Strength didn't overpower. Just under 90 minutes. Very satisfying.

10. October 16th, 2021: The cigar started with a blast of smooth, rich flavour from the cone-shaped foot which is predominantly wrapper. Thereafter, flavour contained a hint of that delicious prelude, but it was somewhat muted compared to the first half-inch, with a slightly peppery, medium roast flavour. Much of the complexity was in the finish, which gave a delicious aftertaste, making it easy to put the cigar down and appreciate the fine aroma. Complexity petered out somewhat in the last third, becoming more peppery and more vegetal. I nonetheless smoked it to the nub. 

Construction was excellent: burn was razor sharp throughout and draw was easy with no great resistance. 78 minutes to the nub. Satisfying. 

11. November 24th, 2021: This is one was probably the most full bodied and strongest of the batch so far. The cigar began with a difficult draw until the nipple at the foot of the cigar was well passed. Draw opened up, after which, both draw and burn were fine. 

Flavour was excellent, rich and complex. Body was full, or medium to full in the first two thirds. The final third was quite strong; stronger than I remember for other members of the box. Pepper was dominant towards the end. 

Aroma wasn't outstanding. Finish was long with thick aftertaste.

Overall, a nicely balanced full bodied version of the blend. Very satisfying. 85 minutes to the nub.

A razor sharp burn at the one hour mark.

12. January 1st, 2022: Flavour a bit thin during the first half. Strength increased notably in the second third but did not not overwhelm. Flavour improved in the second half and became quite tasty, but nothing like the full bodied pepper bomb in November. Compared to the San Lotano Oval, which I smoked the day before, I'd say the San Lotano was better. No issues with draw or burn. Aroma not outstanding. 90 minutes. 

13. March 9th, 2022: A repeat of no. 10, above: started with a divine burst of flavour at the nipple (foot), developed into a solid medium plus throughout most of the cigar with complex flavour similar to the San Lotano Oval Robusto, but flavour tended to diminish into mainly peppery, vegetal emptiness in the final third. As with previous cigars of this blend one of the most satisfying elements was the aftertaste, which was rich and complex until the final third. Burn and draw were perfect. No strength to speak of. Body never reached the full level. Around 80 minutes. Quite satisfying. 

14. June 4th, 2022: Another fine example of the blend: rich and sweet as the nipple burned upon lighting. The first half was medium in body. Draw was a bit resistant throughout, requiring one or two puffs to generate a decent plume. Flavour was salty and peppery, medium roast, a bit woody, but always clean and balanced.. Body increased during the second half of the cigar. Aroma was rich and pleasing, although on the light side. 110 minutes. Very satisfying.

At the half hour mark

15. July 27th, 2022; very smooth, medium bodied cigar, increasing intensity in the second half. Easy draw and good burn. Body increased in the second half, but, as with other samples, flavour tended to diminish in the final third. Quite satisfying at around 80 minutes.

16. November 2022. Two years on and this cigar still pleases. Profile as with the cigar above: medium body throughout. July 27th. 90 minutes and very satisfying.
17. December 30th, 2022: Medium bodied, smooth, easy draw, consistent flavour and body throughout. This is an excellent cigar. 90 minutes and very satisfying. 

18. January 20th, 2023: Excellent, smooth cigar, starting medium body and building up both body and strength, but sufficiently smooth to smoke to the nub. Crazy dreams. Well preserved with two years in the humidor. Very satisfying.

19. July 10th, 2023: What a treat: delicious cool, medium bodied with developing strength and a bit of pepper in the final third, but never dirt or bitterness. 70 minutes and very satisfying.

20. August 28th, 2023: This one was a disappointment. Body never reached medium and the cigar didn't deliver flavour or much aroma. I put it out after 50 minutes. A dud. 

21. February 3rd, 2024: Strong, rich, full bodied. This cigar was quite an anomaly to the medium body of the blend. It was full bodied from the start. Draw and burn were excellent. Flavour was a lot more espresso than the usual chocolate. Strength started to overwhelm by about the final third. I let the cigar go with a good inch plus: head was swimming and sweaty. It was most enjoyable until the last couple of inches. Quite satisfying and 80 minutes. 

22. March 13th, 2024: Excellent example of the blend: started with the characteristic blast of wrapper flavour at the nipple. First third was mild to medium, smooth, no spice or pepper, building to a medium full bodied by the second half and quite spicy. Strength was moderate. Overall very satisfying at 90 minutes. 

23. May 4th, 2024: A tasty cigar but probably with a little bit of strength that manifested while sleeping - strange dreams. Otherwise, good burn and draw, started mild and worked up to medium body. Quite satisfying.

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